Science instead of gut feelings

Science instead of gut feelings

The role of naturalisation in the integration of migrants

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Floris Peters speaks at symposium on dual citizenship

Floris Peters spoke at a symposium on dual citizenship in Vienna on 19 December 2019.

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Call for Papers Citizenship of children of immigrants

Call for Papers Citizenship of children of immigrants. Legal status and life opportunities in host country societies.

1-day Workshop, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 26 June 2020

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Maarten Vink presents MiLifeStatus research at University of Mainz

Maarten Vink presented a paper on “Naturalisation in Context: How Origin Country and Migrant Life Course Condition the Long-Term Impact of Citizenship Policy Change”.

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MiLifeStatus co-organises GLOBALCIT Annual Conference 2019

The MiLifeStatus project co-organised the GLOBALCIT Annual Conference 2019 “The Value of Citizenship for Individuals and States”, which took place at the European University Institute in Florence on 21-22 November 2019.

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Floris Peters short-listed for the IMISCOE Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award 2019.

The dissertation The Citizenship Premium, by Floris Peters was short-listed for the IMISCOE Maria Ioannis Baganha Dissertation Award 2019.

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Presentation by Christophe Leclerc in Neuchâtel

Presentation by Christophe Leclerc at the Neuchâtel Graduate Conference of Migration and Mobility Studies, Neuchâtel, 12 September 2019.

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PhD defense MiLifeStatus research associate Thomas Huddleston

Thomas Huddleston defended his PhD dissertation ‘Naturalisation in Action; How nationality laws work in practice across Europe’ on Wednesday 18 September 2019.

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Floris Peters presents at APSA 2019

Floris Peters presented at Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association 2019 

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MiLifeStatus team presents at IMISCOE conference Malmö

MiLifeStatus team presented at the IMISCOE conference in Malmö, 26 June 2019

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Maarten Vink at 2019 World Conference on Statelessness

On 26 June 2019, Maarten Vink speaks at the 2019 World Conference on Statelessness and Inclusion. 

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Maarten Vink lectures at Summer Institute on Migration Research Methods 2019

On Friday 14 June 2019, Maarten Vink lectured on European administrative record systems at the Summer Institute on Migration Research Methods 2019 at Penn State. 

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Maarten Vink interviewed in De Limburger

Maarten Vink was interviewed in regional newspaper De Limburger to comment on a plea for regional and national voting rights for non-citizen residents in the Netherlands.

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Presentation Naturalization in Context: Migrant Life Course and Institutional Change

In the migration seminar offered jointly by MGSoG/UNU-MERIT in collaboration with MACIMIDE (Maastricht University), Prof. Dr. Maarten Vink presented about Naturalization in Context: Migrant Life Course and Institutional Change. The seminar was held on 20 February 2019. 

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MiLifeStatus has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 682626)

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