On 20 April 2022, Christophe Leclerc defended his PhD dissertation 'Citizenship in context. Naturalisation and residential environment of immigrants in the Netherlands’
Naturalisation: the consequences of stricter policies
MiLifeStatus explained in 5 minutes
In this 5-minute video, prof. Maarten P. Vink explains what the MiLifeStatus research project is about.
PhD Marie Labussière
On 3 November 2021, Marie Labussière defended her PhD dissertation ‘Native born but not yet citizen: Citizenship and education outcomes of the children of immigrants’.
Citizenship for the children of immigrants
Citizenship for the children of immigrants: How does it matter and to whom? GLOBALCIT Webinar, 26 October 2021
Maarten Vink presents at MIPEX webinar
Maarten Vink presents at MIPEX webinar, 28 May 2021
Keynote Maarten Vink in EMN webinar
Keynote Maarten Vink in EMN webinar, 8 December 2020
Schuman Shorts #31: The Citizenship Premium
Schuman Shorts #31: The Citizenship Premium, Maarten Vink, 10 November 2020
Maastricht Migration Lecture Series: Does Citizenship Matter?
Maastricht Migration Lecture Series: Does Citizenship Matter?, 28 October 2020
Maarten Vink on citizenship in the migrant life course
Opening lecture Maarten Vink at UNED Doctoral Programme, Madrid, 14 November 2018
Maarten Vink on dual citizenship
Dual citizenship: attitudes, trends, opportunities. State of the Union Conference, European University Institute, 4 May 2017
Maarten Vink on citizenship and legal statuses
Key note lecture, European University Institute (EUI) Conference on the Integration of Migrants and Refugees, Florence, 29-30 September 2016