Immigrants’ earnings and neighbourhood economic wealth: the conditioning role of citizenship

Christophe Leclerc (2021). Immigrants’ earnings and neighbourhood economic wealth: the conditioning role of citizenship, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 

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Citizenship and education trajectories among children of immigrants: a transition-oriented sequence analysis

Marie Labussière, Mark Levels and Maarten Vink (2021). Citizenship and education trajectories among children of immigrants: a transition-oriented sequence analysis. Advances in Life Course Research. 

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Dual citizenship acceptance and immigrant naturalisation propensity in the Netherlands: the relevance of origin and destination country rules

Floris Peters and Maarten Vink (2021). Dual citizenship acceptance and immigrant naturalisation propensity in the Netherlands: the relevance of origin and destination country rules. In Rainer Bauböck and Max Haller, eds, Dual Citizenship and Naturalisation: Global, Comparative and Austrian Perspectives. Austrian Academic of Sciences Press, pp. 121-140.

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Citizenship acquisition and spatial stratification: Analysing immigrant residential mobility in the Netherlands

Christophe Leclerc, Maarten Vink and Hans Schmeets (2021). Citizenship acquisition and spatial stratification: Analysing immigrant residential mobility in the Netherlands. Urban Studies. Doi: 10.1177/00420980211006030

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Long-Term Heterogeneity in Immigrant Naturalization: The Conditional Relevance of Civic Integration and Dual Citizenship

Maarten Vink, Anna Tegunimataka, Floris Peters and Pieter Bevelander (2021). Long-Term Heterogeneity in Immigrant Naturalization: The Conditional Relevance of Civic Integration and Dual Citizenship. European Sociological Review, 37(5) 751-765.

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Visit the country profile of Finland on the EUDO CITIZENSHIP website.

More information will follow soon. 


MiLifeStatus has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 682626)

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